Should you lose weight to become healthy or the other way around?
Do you want to lose weight to become healthy? Or are you carrying that extra weight because your body is not at its optimum level?
Well according to the celebrity nutrition expert, JJ Virgin, she explains that we need to be healthy in order for our bodies to be able to lose weight. According to her book, The Virgin Diet
She explains about food sensitivities and inflammation, and she guides you, step by step on how to eliminate the most inflammatory foods, and after a few weeks, she guides you on how to slowly introduces these foods back so you get to see which ones may be causing inflammation in your body.
The idea here is to minimize inflammation, to have your body perform at its optimum level, as inflammation can have many symptoms such as:
- chronic headaches
- sluggishness
- bloating
- weight gain/loss
- eczema
- brain fog
- gas
- abnormal bowel function
- joint pain
- allergies
- depression and mood swings
- cravings for starchy, salty, and/or sugary foods
According to JJ, by using her proven science and tackling inflammation, she helped people 40+ finally lose weight and feel better. What I like about her book is that she doesn’t tell you what to remove from your diet and you feel stranded and don’t know what to eat instead, she actually provides great alternatives and recipes as well, so pretty much her method is doable, but oh boy, it requires the dedication of course.
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